Goodbye to our Amazing Clean Air Organizer Carina!

Oregon PSR staff gathered in Eugene. 

It is bittersweet to say goodbye to our incredible clean air organizer Carina Perez Europa. Carina has been with the Oregon PSR staff since 2020 and we have been so honored to work with her. 

Most recently Carina has been organizing in Marion County to regulate the Covanta Incinerator in Brooks, OR. She regularly engaged with community members to share information with them about the incinerator and listen to their concerns. The environmental issue of air pollution from the incinerator in Marion County was very personal to Carina as someone who grew up in the Salem area. She led door knocking in Brooks, Oregon and organized Let's Talk Trash - an incredible webinar on the health impacts of incineration and zero waste solutions. Her hard work contributed to the creation of SB 488, the Covanta Incinerator Regulation Bill, which is currently moving through the legislative process.  She was featured on Radio Poder, a Spanish radio show in OR, where she spoke about the Covanta Incinerator and the dangerous health impacts it has on surrounding communities. Carina’s dedication has always been to the health and safety of people and communities in Oregon. Her impact was vital to the Marion County communities impacted by the incinerator on a daily basis and has paved the way for future clean air organizers. 


We have so deeply enjoyed working with Carina and are excited to see all that she accomplishes.