We Did It! Thank You for Helping us Meet our Match


Thanks to the generous support of donors like you, Oregon PSR surpassed our Earth Day Challenge matching pledge in April, raising over $10,000 to support our climate work. Thank you so much! As we celebrated a holiday in honor of protecting our environment, as well as our significant victories for healthier communities and a healthier climate over the past decade, we also acknowledged the growing impacts of devastating climate chaos and injustice and the many challenges ahead.

With your support, Oregon PSR will continue to lead for a healthy climate, bringing the trusted voice of public health to the regional movements to stop fossil fuel infrastructure development, supporting the passage of climate legislation that centers human health, and promoting climate justice.

This matching challenge was made possible through the generous support of our Healthy Climate Action Team members Catherine Bax, PA, Regna Merritt, Kelly O'Hanley, MD, Melanie Plaut, MD, and Ann Turner, MD. Our most sincere thanks to these generous team members, and to all who contributed to ensure the continued success of our healthy climate work.

To learn more about our Healthy Climate Program efforts, or to get more involved with our Healthy Climate Action Team, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to talk more about how we can make a difference together today. Thanks again!