A Letter From Our Board President

Dear Oregon PSR Supporter,

Pat__Diana__and_Violet_pic_1.jpgI suspect that many of you, like me, are horrified by much of the news and the daily assaults on public health from many fronts. The Trump Administration and Republican-controlled Congress seem determined to undermine protections to health and the environment, and we find ourselves dangerously close to an unthinkable nuclear conflict. The recent Oregon State legislative short session was in many ways disappointing and, particularly around air toxics legislation, deeply concerning. While it is easy to focus on the troubling developments in Washington DC and Salem, it is also important to recognize and celebrate our victories and progress. We have won some significant victories and we are making real progress towards our vision of a peaceful, just, healthy, safe, nuclear-free, non-toxic world.

Oregon PSR is energized and ready to confront the gravest threats to human health and survival. In the news section of our website, you can learn more about the unprecedented success of our Healthy Climate Program, which has managed to stave off myriad threats to our climate, air, water, and communities posed by short-sighted fossil fuel industry interests. You can also learn more about our Nuclear-Free Northwest Program’s efforts to shutter the aging Columbia Generating Station nuclear plant and prevent the construction of new small modular nuclear reactors in our region, our Peace Program’s work to promote peace and oppose violence both at home and abroad, our legislative priorities for the coming year, and more.

One of the most exciting recent developments in national politics is the Never Again movement, which is being led by courageous young people who have invigorated the movement for gun control in this country. Oregon PSR values the voices of young people, and with this year’s Greenfield Peace Writing Scholarship, we asked high school students to answer the question “What would it take to eliminate nuclear weapons in your lifetime?” We received a record number of entries from students throughout the state. Join us on Saturday, April 28th to hear from the student winners and keynote speaker Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner, a Marshallese anti-nuclear and climate activist and critically acclaimed poet and spoken word artist, in one of our most fun and engaging events of the year.

Oregon PSR’s work would not be possible without the continued involvement of our supporters. Your financial contributions are essential to our success, so please give generously, consider becoming a monthly recurring donor, and contact us if you are interested in joining me by putting Oregon PSR in your will.  Also, be sure to visit our website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to stay up-to-date on our work and learn about ways that you can get more involved. Thank you!


Pat O’Herron, MD, Board President

PS: Save the date for our annual Hiroshima and Nagasaki memorial in Portland on Monday, August 6th!