Peace and Justice Action Team


Oregon PSR’s Peace & Justice Action Team (PJAT) organizes health professionals and public health advocates to reframe war, militarism, violence, and racism as interconnected public health crises. Working with our community partners, we influence public opinion and key decision-makers to promote systemic change that prioritizes health, justice, and peace.

Our Peace & Justice Action Team works for nuclear weapons disarmament, coordinates the annual Hiroshima and Nagasaki anniversary memorial event in Portland, advocates for legislation to prevent gun violence, supports the growing movement for racial justice and opposes racist and anti-immigrant public policies, and brings the voice of medicine and public health to peace issues.

There are many opportunities for involvement in Oregon PSR's Peace & Justice Action Team. To learn more, including how to join our PJAT Work Group, contact Regna Merritt, Oregon PSR Co-Executive Director.

AI goes nuclear - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

The last survivors of the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were honored Dec. 10 with the Nobel Peace Prize at the annual ceremony held in Oslo City Hall. 

Watch Ceremony Here

The award ceremony was followed the next day, Dec. 11, with a forum featuring three former Nobel Peace Prize laureates and leading experts on global nuclear politics who will discuss strategies to mitigate the risk of nuclear war and advance toward nuclear disarmament.

Join Forum Here 


September 18th, 2024

Watch Portland's Hiroshima & Nagasaki Commemoration Event 2024 Here

Part 1

Part 2