We hope that you will join Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility and our community partners for the annual memorial of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Wednesday, August 9th, 2017 beginning at 6:00 PM at the Japanese American Historical Plaza at Waterfront Park in downtown Portland.
The year’s memorial event, Remembering Hiroshima & Nagasaki: From Despair to Hope, will honor the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, highlight the current state of nuclear weapons and national and international efforts to abolish these morally unacceptable weapons, and provide opportunities for those present to get more involved and to take action for a world liberated from the dangers of nuclear weapons.
The event will be hosted by human rights lawyer, activist, and writer Polo Catalani, and will include a musical performance by Portland Taiko and the presentation of an award to Yakama Nation Elder Russell Jim for his decades of advocacy to clean up the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Oregon PSR Associate Director Sean Tenney will speak regarding the persistent threat of nuclear weapons, as well as significant progress being made here in Oregon and at the international level.
Immediately following the event, we will proceed to the University of Oregon Portland campus building directly across the street for Suspended Moment, a nuclear weapons-themed art, poetry, and music exhibition and butoh dance performance led by artist and performer Yukiyo Kawano.
Your financial support makes it possible for us to organize this annual event in order to educate and engage new activists in our work for a nuclear weapons-free world. Please give as generously as you can to support these efforts.
Download the event flyer and join and share this event on Facebook to help us spread the word. Thank you!
NW Naito Parkway and Couch Street
Portland, OR 97209
United States
Google map and directions