Take Action to Protect All Oregonians, Including Undocumented Oregonians


The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is impacting all Oregonians, regardless of their legal status. But while families are reeling, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents continue to target immigrant Oregonians for arrest, sending them to crowded detention centers described as “powder kegs” where doctors are concerned COVID-19 could “spread like wildfire.”

Act now to tell ICE officials to protect public health and Oregon families.

All Oregonians and their families must feel safe to seek medical help or gather the necessary supplies to keep their families safe. If people are scared to seek treatment due to immigration enforcement concerns, the impact and spread of COVID-19 could worsen. We must take bold action to protect our communities.

ICE officials need to hear from you! Please add your name to the petition to show your support.