Tell Oregon's Congressional Delegation: Take Action for Nuclear Disarmament


The 15,000+ nuclear weapons in the world today pose an unacceptable threat to humanity. Even without a nuclear war, the development, testing, and possession of nuclear weapons cause unacceptable humanitarian and environmental harm. Recognizing this, 122 nations voted in July of 2017 at the United Nations to adopt the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The United States boycotted the treaty negotiations and plans to spend $1.2 trillion over the next decade on a vast nuclear weapons buildup which will further fuel a renewed global nuclear arms race.

We need a fundamentally different nuclear weapons policy. Join us in calling upon Oregon's elected representatives in the Senate and House of Representatives to:

  • Use the traditional Congressional “power of the purse” to freeze spending on the planned nuclear weapons buildup, and;
  • Advocate that the United States support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and negotiate with all nuclear-armed nations toward the complete elimination of nuclear weapons worldwide.

Sign the petition urging Oregon's Congressional Delegation to take action for nuclear disarmament.