Urgent: Help Protect Our Communities from Fracked Gas


Help us protect the world's climate and the health of our communities by speaking out against a proposal to build a massive fracked-gas export facility in Oregon.

The Jordan Cove Energy Project proposed by the Canadian Pembina Pipeline Corporation is comprised of the Jordan Cove liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility and the Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) denied this project in 2016 because of impacts to landowners and a lack of need for the project. But the company reapplied, and now the request has come to life again after Trump declared it to be one of his top three energy projects.

Please submit comments TODAY to let FERC know why you oppose this dangerous project. If approved:

  • Jordan Cove would be the largest source of climate pollution in Oregon, with effects worldwide. Full life cycle analysis estimates annual greenhouse emissions at 36.8 million metric tons — the equivalent of annual emissions from 7.9 million vehicles!
  • Building the pipeline would require clearcutting a 229-mile, 90-foot-wide swath through private farms and ranches, ancient forests, and ancestral lands of 14 Native American Tribes. Much of this land is prone to landslides and wildfire.
  • The pipeline would also trench through at least 485 rivers and streams, degrading salmon habitat and sources of clean drinking water.
  • The pipeline would terminate on the coast in an LNG terminal at risk for fire and explosion and located in an earthquake/tsunami zone.
  • Jordan Cove's compressor station would increase exposure to toxic air pollutants in Oregon's Latinx community.

Take action TODAY! Please sign our petition today to add your voice to this urgent request to FERC. We must have your signature in hand by Monday (July 1st) at the latest.

Thank you for your support!