Contact Your Legislators: Racism is a Public Health Crisis


Racism is a public health crisis. Last year, the Oregon legislature declared it to be so by passing House Resolution 6But we need more than declarations in a crisis – we need action. That’s why during this legislative session Oregon PSR is supporting House Bill 4052, the Racism is a Public Health Crisis Bill, which takes steps to address the health disparities in our state that stem from the long history and current realities of systemic racism. The bill is moving through the Joint Ways and Means committee this week and expected to reach the House and Senate floors for a vote soon.

Now is the time to contact your Oregon State Senator and Representative and ask them to support HB 4052, the Racism is a Public Health Crisis Bill. Find your legislators' contact information here and email or call to ask for their support. 

Developed by the Oregon Health Equity Task Force, HB 4052: creates two pilot mobile health clinics to increase access in underserved communities; invests in Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) community engagement to advance further strategies; and develops recommendations to fund culturally specific health programs. Read the one-pager on the bill for more information.

Tell the Oregon Legislature to pass this bill and begin to take action to repair the health harms caused by racism. Contact your state Senator and Representative today! 

Thank you for taking action to begin to dismantle systemic racism and its negative health impacts on BIPOC Oregonians.