Phonebanking and Canvassing to Help Pass the Most Important Ballot Measure in the Country!



As members of the Portland Clean Energy Initiative steering committee, Oregon PSR is excited to work on this historic ballot measure. Why? Because this measure offers an opportunity to say YES amidst a sea of bad policies that we fight on a daily basis. YES to billionaire retail corporations paying their fair share. YES to more affordable clean energy infrastructure. YES to job training in the renewable energy field. YES to lowering utility bills. YES to more innovative projects that reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, YES to solutions coming straight from our communities. YES to Measure 26-201!

We hope that Oregon PSR members and others will join us in these efforts. Here are ways that you can get involved with this historic initiative:

Daily phonebanking:

From now until Election Day, on MondayTuesdayWednesday, and Thursday evenings from 4:30 - 8:00 PM, join us in the Sierra Club office/PCEF headquarters (1821 SE Ankeny Street in Portland) to help make calls. Most nights there will be food, but feel free to bring a dish or snack to share if you are able. RSVP for a phonebanking shift here.

Canvassing every weekend:

The best way to ensure that Measure 26-201 passes is to talk to voters directly. There are two shift options on both Saturday and Sunday10:00 AM - 2:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM. Meet at the Sierra Club office /PCEF headquarters and wear comfortable walking shoes and be prepared for some rain - we will walk no matter what! If you don’t have a raincoat, ponchos will be available.

If you have a smart phone, please bring it fully charged and download the MiniVAN app and set up an Action ID prior to coming. If you’re not able to do that, no worries - we can guide you through it when you get here. But the more who have it downloaded, the sooner we can hit the streets. RSVP for a canvassing shift here.

Every day we are getting closer and closer to winning. Join us in making history for a clean, just energy future!

September 15, 2018 at 10:00am - November 06, 2018
Sierra Club office/PCEF headquarters
1821 SE Ankeny St
Portland, OR 97214
United States
Google map and directions