No Fracked Gas Pipeline in Southern Oregon


Dear Governor Brown: 

The proposed 229-mile Pacific Connector fracked methane gas pipeline and the associated Jordan Cove Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export terminal in Coos Bay is an extremely hazardous fossil fuel project that would threaten our clean air, clean water, a stable climate and our health. If approved, it would become the largest greenhouse gas polluter in Oregon. 

Fracked gas is dirty and dangerous.

  • Methane accelerates climate change. It is more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide over its first hundred years in the atmosphere—fully 86 times more potent over its first 20 years.
  • Methane is released into the atmosphere from fracking wells, equipment, and pipelines at rates that make it worse for the environment than coal. Those emission rates, if sustained, move us closer to climate catastrophe.
  • Proximity to fracking operations is associated with congenital heart defects, increased risk of high-risk pregnancy and premature birth, worsening asthma, and increased rates of hospitalization for cardiac, neurological and cancer-related problems.
  • Methane pipelines can explode. They also carry dangerous particle pollution and volatile organic chemicals which are released during venting at compressor stations and along entire pipelines.

This proposed project increases risk to approximately 485 waterways including the Rogue, Umpqua, Coos, Coquille, and Klamath Rivers. It would lead to deforestation, erosion and pollution of our waters. A stark environmental injustice, It would damage traditional tribal territories and important salmon and oyster fisheries. Hundreds of landowners would face loss of their land via eminent domain, while thousands more face the safety risks of an LNG terminal in an earthquake and tsunami zone in Coos Bay.

We urge you to exercise your authority to prevent this human health catastrophe. Oregon's environmental agencies must deny state permits for the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal and Pacific Connector fracked gas pipeline to protect the health of our communities.

Thank you for considering my comment,


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