Sign our petition to theĀ Multnomah County Commissioners and the Office of Sustainability encouraging them to begin the steps of phasing out of methane gas from all new construction of residential and commercial buildings in Multnomah County, and of justly phasing out of gas appliances in existing buildings for the health of our community.
Combustion of fossil fuels, including methane gas, produces harmful air pollutants and particulate matter both indoors and outdoors. Studies have shown that gas stoves can produce elevated levels of nitrogen dioxide, a toxic gas whose health effects in children may include increased risk of asthma, aggravated respiratory symptoms, and more detrimental health effects.
Homes and buildings are where people live, learn, work, and play. With electrification comes the opportunity to create a just transition to homes and buildings that are safer, healthier, and more resilient, and powered by renewable energy. Dozens of cities, including New York, Seattle, Denver, and San Francisco, have already said no to methane gas in new buildings. The Eugene City Council recently voted to mandate that all new homes be constructed 100% electric by June 1, 2023. It's time for Multnomah County to follow suit.