Thank Oregon Senators Merkley & Wyden for Working to Curtail Eminent Domain for Fossil Fuel Gain


Thanks to years of communities coming together to stop the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal and Pacific Connector fracked gas pipeline, Senators Wyden and Merkley have joined Southern Oregon in opposing this project that would strip land from private property owners, impact the traditional territories and cultural resources of Tribal Nations, harm the local commercial fishing industry, and become the largest single greenhouse gas emitter in the state.

US Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley introduced two bills in Congress that would stop fossil fuel corporations from using eminent domain for fracked gas export pipelines. Will you help thank Oregon’s Senators for their efforts to stand up against the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal and fracked gas pipeline?


Now, Oregon’s U.S. Senators are putting their opposition into action by introducing these bills to limit the power the fossil fuel industry has to take people’s lands for fracked gas pipelines. Will you help make sure they keep this up by thanking them today?

You can call Senator Wyden at (202) 224-5244 and Senator Merkley at (202) 224-3753 or send them a quick email here.

While Senator Wyden and Merkley are fighting for these bills in Congress, Oregonians are continuing to fight Jordan Cove LNG at home. Just last month, Citizens for Renewables and Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition achieved another major setback for Jordan Cove LNG by winning a reversal of a North Bend land use permit in court. The State of Oregon, multiple Tribal Nations, impacted landowners, and community organizations have also challenged FERC’s approval in court.