Oregon PSR expresses our most sincere appreciation to our 40th Anniversary Cultivation Circle Sponsors! As we celebrate our 40th year throughout 2021, your contributions are what make our work for a more healthy, just, and peaceful world possible. Thank you!
40th Anniversary Cultivation Circle
Individual Sponsors
Saving Seeds for the Next Generation Level
($4,000 and up)
Patrick O'Herron, MD & Diana Rempe, PhD
Sharing the Bounty Level
($1,400 to $4,000)
Indra Bloemers, RN
Ann Turner, MD and Catherine Bax, PA
Tending the Garden Level
($540 to $1,400)
Virginia Feldman, MD & George Feldman, MD
Stan Freidberg, MD and Colleen Freidberg
Al & Nancy Jubitz
Regna Merritt
Pat Murphy, ND, LAc
Bonnie Reagan, MD, and Peter Reagan, MD
Evelyn Whitlock, MD
Watering the Starts Level
($140 to $540)
Bud Anderson
Mary & John Campbell
Maxine Fookson, RN, MN
Barbara Ford
Ruth Frankel
John Gillette
JoAnne Hermens
Teresa Keane, MSN, PMHNP
Ronni Lacroute
Elis Madrigal, MD
Elaine McKenzie, RN, MPH
Phil Newman, MD & Phoebe Newman
John Pearson, MD & Nena Pearson
Jim Scott, MD
Karen Steingart, MD, MPH & Julian Fifer
Karen Weliky, DMD
Sowing the Seeds Level
($40 to $140)
David Chatfield
Nancy Christie
Pam Cline, LCSW
Susan Cundiff
Susan DeFrancesco, JD, MPH
Chisao Hata
Daniel Högsta
Rich Iwasaki
LaJuan Jecker, MD
Marla McGarry-Lawrence
Laureen Nussbaum, PhD
Penny Okamoto
Mike Owens, MD
Jane Payne, MD
Jon Petterson, MD
David Pollack, MD
Jenny Pompilio, MD, MPH
Bill & Sara Tattam
Estelle Voeller
Marleen Wallingford
Diane Williams, MD and John Engelhardt