Please join me in welcoming our two new staff members, Jess Gasper as the new Membership Manager and Anna Kahler as the new Communications Coordinator.
As some of you may know these hirings are a long time coming. Our organization has grown and diversified over the years and so have the needs of the organization. In order to meet the current and future needs of Oregon PSR we decided to create two new roles. The first being the Membership Manager to help support membership growth and engagement, and fundraising. The second is a Communications Manager to enhance our ability to share our stories through social media and news media. We are very excited for you all to meet our newest staff!
Jess Gasper Jr. has served as President of the Oregon Marshallese Community, Member of the state's Health PartnerSHIP Committee, Financial Task Force for the City of Salem, Advisory Member of Higher Education, and Executive Member of Oregon Pacific Islanders Coalition. Before he joined OMCA in 2018, Jess co-founded an Advocacy Group- the Oregon Bikini Organization--which advocates for victims of the nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands. Jess himself is Bikinian, has dedicated the last 5 years of his life to bringing to light the injustice of the Marshall Islands, and struggles of Marshallese living in the United States. Jess comes from the Insurance and Financial Industry. Owning an Insurance Agency for over a decade prior to Community Organizing and Non-Profit. Jess lives in Salem with his wife Philma, 3 kids, and puppy Ava. His oldest will be attending Oregon State University this fall.
Anna (like sauna) is excited to join Oregon PSR as the new communications manager. As a deep nerd she has a love for learning new information and sharing her favorite facts with anyone who will listen. She is excited to support the amazing work Oregon PSR does by amplifying their messages to a broader audience. Anna comes to the organization with 7 years of experience in community organizing in Chicago, IL and Portland, OR. Her organizing work is always centered around community members as she finds great joy in uplifting others and bringing people together to create change. Anna graduated from Lewis and Clark College with a degree in Art History and Political Economy. She finds the visual expression of movements for change to be infinitely fascinating and is excited to apply her knowledge and skills to Oregon PSR’s communication campaigns.
Financial support from our members is what makes it possible for Oregon PSR to staff our organization with such talented and passionate people. Please donate today to help us continue the work that we do