Lusk, Philip D., "Columbia Generating Station Market Test." 25 September 2017.
The Columbia Generating Station (CGS) nuclear power plant creates extremely expensive energy. As wind, solar, and battery prices fall precipitously, buying power from the CGS makes less sense every day. Click through the links below for reports on the CGS's economic problems.
Updating Bonneville's Strategic Plan (report by McCullough Research, 11/21/2017)
Update Report On Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Closure Date Cost Comparison at the Columbia Generating Station (report by Robert Alvarez, 10/25/2017)
Columbia Generating Station Market Test - Nuclear Power Costing Customers $1.64 Billion Through 2028 (report by Philip D. Lusk, 9/25/2017)
Replacing the Columbia Generating Station with Renewable Energy (report by McCullough Research, 2/15/2017)
Closing Richland Nuclear Plant Would Be a Win for Ratepayers, Study Says (article by Ted Sickinger in The Oregonian, 2/18/2017)
Northwest Nuclear Plant Faces Inquiry of Performance, Management (article by Ted Sickinger in The Oregonian, 1/29/16)
Costly to the Core: How the Nuclear Power Plant No One Knows About is Wasting Your Money (article by Nigel Jaquiss in Willamette Week, 12/11/13 edition)
Ratepayers Could Save $1.7 Billion if Aging Nuclear Plant at Hanford is Closed (with links to the economic report by Robert McCullough)