Health on the Line: Take Action Today!
Cowlitz County officials have just released a draft Health Impact Assessment (HIA) for the Millennium project, the largest and most dangerous coal export proposal remaining in the US. It's time for them to hear from you!
The good news? While it states no conclusions, the draft HIA clearly reaffirms many terrible adverse health and safety impacts of the proposed Millennium Bulk Terminals project in Longview and Cowlitz County.
Read moreCounty Study Confirms Adverse Health Impacts of Longview Coal Export Terminal
Cowlitz County officials released a draft Health Impact Assessment (HIA) on Thursday that reaffirms many of the serious adverse public health impacts of the proposed Millennium Bulk Terminals project in Longview, Washington. The significance of the draft HIA is limited due to the severely constrained geographic scope of the study area, and the fact that most major permits for Millennium’s proposed project have already been denied.
EFSEC Issues Final Report Unanimously Rejecting Oil Terminal
On December 19th, the Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) issued its formal written report and recommendation to Governor Inslee on the Tesoro-Savage oil shipping terminal application. In their recommendation, the Council unanimously recommended denial of the oil terminal in Vancouver, Washington for multiple reasons. If built, Tesoro-Savage would bring in 360,000 barrels of crude oil in five fully loaded oil trains every day.
U.S. Must Back Nuclear Treaty (12/9/17 letter to The Oregonian from John Pearson, MD)
Read the December 9th, 2017 letter to The Oregonian from Oregon PSR Board Member John Pearson, MD regarding the UN's nuclear weapons ban treaty.
Economist Warns of Impending Financial Cliff for Bonneville Power Administration
"The short-term and long-term danger to Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) begins and ends with the fact that its rates are higher than the market rate for electricity and are likely to remain there if it continues on its current path," writes economist Robert McCullough in his latest report detailing hurdles faced by the Northwest's federal power marketing administration. The challenges faced are not insurmountable, particularly if BPA closely scrutinizes its contracts with the Columbia Generating Station, the Northwest's only nuclear power plant.
Read moreTrump's Small Modular Reactors: the "Clean Coal" of the Nuclear Industry
By Damon Motz-Storey, Oregon PSR Clean Energy Organizer
It was a strange year for the United Nations Climate Summit in Bonn, Germany. Par for the course after declaring intent to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, Donald Trump's official United States representatives to the climate talks in Germany were representatives from the coal, gas, and nuclear power industries. Lenka Kollar of NuScale Power (a nuclear reactor designer) sat directly to the left of Holly Krutka of Peabody Energy, the largest private-sector coal company in the world. The panel's title, “The Role of Cleaner and More Efficient Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power in Climate Mitigation,” sounded like something out of a satirical newspaper.
Read moreWashington State Board Recommends Denying Oil-By-Rail Terminal in Vancouver
Today the Washington State Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) unanimously recommended denial of the Tesoro Savage oil terminal in Vancouver, Washington. The final decision now falls to Governor Jay Inslee, and community leaders from around the region are calling on Gov. Inslee to deny the proposal swiftly, ending a four-year saga over the massive, 360,000-barrel-per day oil train terminal. A final written recommendation will be issued on December 19th.
“The future safety, well-being, and public health of our community depends on the choices we make today. Rejecting the proposed Tesoro-Savage oil terminal should be first on the list, “ stated Dr. Stan Freidberg, who has spent 37 years practicing cardiology and internal medicine at The Vancouver Clinic.
Read moreStrike Four for Millennium Coal Exports
On Tuesday, November 14th, the Cowlitz County Hearing Examiner denied two shoreline use permits for the proposed Millennium coal export terminal in Longview, WA for causing significant unavoidable harm and failing to meet the requirements of the Shorelines Management Act. This decision marks the fourth independent denial of project permits; without these permits, Millennium cannot go forward.
Read moreOregon PSR Endorses Measure 101
Oregon PSR has joined over 160 groups in endorsing Measure 101, a coalition that includes doctors, nurses, healthcare advocates, hospitals, local businesses, and more. Join us in supporting health care for all Oregonians.
Read moreWater is Life: Youth Speak Against Fracked Gas Export
Join us on Thursday, November 16 to hear a unique perspective on the proposed Jordan Cove liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility and Pacific Connector Pipeline and their implications for the health of our water and climate.