This November, Vote No on Measure 105 (Formerly Known as IP22)
Oregon PSR opposes Measure 105 (formerly known as IP 22), an attempt by the anti-immigrant hate group Oregonians for Immigration Reform (OFIR) to repeal our state’s 30-year-old inclusivity law (ORS 181A.820). OFIR is recognized by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a nativist extremist group with ties to white nationalism. Measure 105 puts repealing our 1987 inclusivity law, which is strongly supported by state and local law enforcement, onto Oregon's November 2018 ballot.
Read moreGet Trained to Canvass for Clean Energy!
Oregon PSR serves on the Steering Committee for the Portland Clean Energy Fund local ballot measure campaign. We’re still celebrating the submission of over 61,000 signatures earlier this month. Thank you for your support! Next, we’re training volunteers to canvass for the Portland Clean Energy Fund to ensure that it passes with a wide margin this November 2018.
Read moreStop Fracked Gas in Oregon – Protect our Waters and Climate!
Help us protect the health of our waters and the world’s climate by speaking out against a proposal to build a fracked gas pipeline and the first LNG export facility on the west coast. The US Army Corps of Engineers and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has opened public comment periods for important Clean Water Act permits. Fracked gas pipelines in Oregon, New York, and Maryland have been stopped before through the Clean Water Act process because of impacts to rivers, streams, and wetlands.
You can help by submitting comments today to let agencies know why you are concerned about, and opposed to, the Jordan Cove project and Pacific Connector Pipeline.
Read moreAn Ethical Call from Health Workers Opposing Unjust US Immigration Policies
An Ethical Call from Health Workers Opposing Unjust US Immigration Policies: From the US/Mexico Border to the Muslim Travel Ban
Statement from Oregon PSR (June 29th, 2018)
“It ultimately became clear to me that, unless I made a stand and did something about the plight of the detainees, I would be compromising my moral beliefs and my perception of my professional responsibility. My conscience told me that I could no longer stand by and do nothing…. I respectfully submit that this application is very urgent. The police are apparently engaged in a pattern of daily assaults upon detainees. For every day that goes by those apparently unrestrained assaults continue.” Dr Wendy Orr, (on her responsibility to testify against torture in Apartheid South Africa)
Read more3 Ways to Support Climate Action
In spite of Trump and Scott Pruitt's rollbacks of critical environmental protections, we the people still have the power to take action and protect the health of our climate. Oregon PSR is hard at work on the Steering Committee of the Portland Clean Energy Fund campaign, alongside the NAACP Portland Branch, 350PDX, the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO), the Native American Youth and Family Center, the Coalition of Communities of Color, Verde, OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon, the Oregon Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Audubon Society of Portland, and Columbia Riverkeeper. Over 175 other community organizations, businesses, labor groups, and city leaders are behind us. Join us in this important work today.
Read moreColumbia Generating Station Has Third Unplanned Shutdown in 18 Months
UPDATE: The CGS is now back online after remaining closed for seven days following a scram on May 18th, 2018. See below for the original story. The exact cause of the outage still has not been released by the plant's operator, Energy Northwest.
The Columbia Generating Station, the Pacific Northwest’s only commercial nuclear power plant, experienced an unplanned shutdown early Friday morning, May 18th. The latest outage is the third unplanned shutdown in the past two years (occurring in December 2016 and August 2017), and the plant remains on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s heightened scrutiny list. Health professionals are concerned about the safety implications of the 35-year-old reactor, formerly known as Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS) plant #2, which was originally designed to operate for only 40 years.
Read morePortland Clean Energy Fund Begins Collecting Signatures
Click here to find upcoming opportunities to get trained to gather signatures to qualify for the November 2018 ballot.
Last week, Multnomah County Circuit Judge Benjamin Souede ruled that the Portland Clean Energy Fund city ballot initiative is constitutional, clearing Oregon PSR and our partners to gather signatures for this exciting and historic campaign. We now have until July 6th to gather 43,000 signatures to qualify the Portland Clean Energy Fund for the November 2018 ballot. Our community can take proactive steps to fight climate change while addressing social and economic inequity by providing major new economic opportunities for low-income Portlanders, including women and communities of color.
Read moreFactsheet: Public Health & Deportation
In advance of May Day 2018, Oregon PSR released our new fact sheet on deportation and public health. In the past several years, we have become more engaged in supporting immigrant rights from a health perspective, and we offer this factsheet as a resource for health professionals and others to understand the public health implications of deportation on families, children, and the wider community.
Read moreTell the DEQ to Protect Air Quality in Boardman
PGE wants the Oregon DEQ to approve an eight-fold increase in smog-forming volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and a three-fold increase in carbon monoxide. If PGE’s gets its way, Carty 1—a two-year-old gas plant—would produce more than twice as much smog-forming VOC pollution as the soon-to-be-retired Boardman coal plant.
Tell DEQ that PGE should fix their pollution problem and limit emissions to protect our health and our climate. Sign the petition before the comment period closes on April 30th, 2018.
Mustafa Returns to Portland for Medical Treatment
We are thrilled to announce that 15 year-old Mustafa Abed, accompanied by his mother, Nidhal, has returned from Iraq to Portland for a several month stay to obtain urgently needed medical care. Oregon PSR has been been collecting funds to support Mustafa's health needs, and we are now working with the non-profit group Palestine Children’s Relief Fund, which is officially sponsoring Mustafa’s medical care visit to Portland.
Update 5/16: Oregon PSR is now accepting donations for an adaptive bike and medical supplies for Mustafa to take home to Iraq. Visit our donation page and write "Mustafa" in the special designations field.
Read the Oregonian story on Mustafa's return.
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